Go Ahead encarga 1.200 autobuses de emisiones cero a Wrightbus

El proveedor británico de transporte público Go-Ahead está invirtiendo 500 millones de libras en descarbonizar su flota. En los próximos tres años, la empresa tiene previsto adquirir 1.200 nuevos autobuses de emisiones cero al fabricante norirlandés Wrightbus.

Imagen: gov.uk

The 1,200 buses for Adelante del fabricante norirlandés El Wrightbus tendrá cero emisiones del tubo de escape y se pondrán en marcha en lugares como Plymouth, Gloucestershire, Yorkshire Oriental, Londres y la Isla de Wight.

Para este gran pedido, Wrightbus tiene previsto construir una nueva línea de producción específica. Se espera que la inversión cree 500 puestos de trabajo en la fabricación y otros 2.000 en la cadena de suministro.

The UK government has announced a broader plan to “ensure the UK remains a leader in bus manufacturing, help local authorities deliver on their transport ambitions, and begin to seize opportunities to embrace zero-emission transport technologies”. For this purpose, the UK Transport Secretary has announced plans to create a new UK Bus Manufacturing ‘expert panel’ that should bring together industry experts and local leaders.

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh noted that the large agreement between Go Ahead and Wrightbus has significant ramifications for British industry: “The half a billion pounds Go Ahead is announcing today shows the confidence industry has in investing in the UK.”

Wrightbus revealed that a training and apprenticeships fund has also been established as part of the partnership. This should see the development of a learning academy for Go-Ahead and Wrightbus employees that will include placements for students with special educational needs as well as young people not otherwise engaged in training or education.

Wrightbus produces both purely battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell single and double-decker buses. The bus maker also retrofits conventional buses with zero-emission drive systems and was recently asked by First Bus to modernizar 30 autobuses diésel with new, silent and clean drive systems.

As part of the deal, which marks the biggest order in Wrightbus’ 78-year history, Go Ahead and Wrightbus will also plant ten trees for every vehicle manufactured in the towns and cities where the buses are deployed.

gov.uk, go-ahead.com, wrightbus.com

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