Honda fabricará vehículos eléctricos y baterías en Canadá

Honda Canadá quiere construir una planta de baterías para vehículos eléctricos y producir vehículos eléctricos en su fábrica de Alliston, en la provincia canadiense de Ontario. Según funcionarios del gobierno local, el acuerdo podría valer el doble de lo anunciado por Volkswagen el año pasado.

Imagen: Honda

Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli have suggested that the project is worth 14 to 15 billion Canadian dollars, which is about 10 to 11 billion US dollars. Volkswagen’s battery subsidiary PowerCo plans to invest 7 billion Canadian dollars in its above-mentioned battery plant in St Thomas para 2030.

But back to Honda: Japanese media informado anteriormente that Honda is looking to build its own batteries in Canada. According to that information, the new plant could go into operation by 2028. Reuters reports, citing insiders, that the carmaker will build batteries and process cathode material needed for the latter. EV production will take place at the existing auto manufacturing facility in Alliston.

It would be the third EV battery plant in Ontario, following the announcements of PowerCo and Stellantis and LGES. The latter are building a factory in Windsor. Both projects received hefty subsidies, so it is safe to assume that Honda will as well. Moreover, the Canadian government just introduced a new investment tax credit, giving companies 10 per cent off the costs of setting up new buildings to house key segments of the EV supply chain.

The planned Canadian electric vehicle plant would be Honda’s second in North America. The carmaker already wants to fabricación baterías con LG Energy Solutions en el estado norteamericano de Ohio a partir de 2025. La fábrica cercana a Jeffersonville tendrá una capacidad anual de 40 GWh. Honda también reconvertirá sus actuales fábricas en Ohio, la Marysville Auto Plant (MAP), la East Liberty Auto Plant (ELP) y la Anna Engine Plant (AEP), con el objetivo de iniciar la producción y venta de coches eléctricos basados en el nuevo Honda e:Architecture en 2026.

This all comes as Honda is looking to increase EV sales in North America. According to Nikkei, North America accounts for roughly 40 per cent of Honda’s global sales. Most of the vehicles sold there still have combustion engines. However, the Japanese want electric cars to account for 40 per cent of sales in North America by 2030 – and even 80 per cent by 2035.,

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