Nio estudia más modelos con baterías LFP

El fabricante chino de coches eléctricos Nio planea nuevas variantes de sus modelos con baterías LFP para reducir costes. Nio sigue confiando en su principal socio de baterías, CATL.

Imagen: Nio

Según la CN EV Post, this is based on approval applications submitted to the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). These documents also contain the information that the LFP cells come from CATL. An analysis of the portal has allegedly revealed that changes have been made to the vehicle specifications of a total of 14 Nio models. The MIIT catalogue is intended to ensure transparency through standardised disclosure of important data and suppliers so that Chinese consumers can get a comprehensive picture.

Sin embargo, el CN EV Post does not provide any technical data on the LFP battery in its article. It is therefore unclear whether the familiar 75 kWh pack will be used in other models or whether it is a technical advancement. CATL has recently repeatedly presented innovations in the LFP sector, for example, to improve fast charging capability and/or energy density.

Nio is one of very few manufacturers to have a proprietary battery replacement system. The battery packs must therefore be as standardised as possible so that they can be used in numerous models. In addition to the 100 kWh pack made from NCM cells, Nio presented a 75 kWh pack in 2021. This primarily uses LFP cells, but also four modules (each placed in the corners) with NCM cells to improve performance and behaviour in cold conditions. Nio does not yet have a pure LFP pack.

Commenting on the background to the LFP offensive, the CN EN Post writes that this could be one of Nio’s latest efforts to “generate profits and reduce costs”. With further LFP options, the portal expects that the costs for the vehicles will be “significantly reduced, which would enable lower sales prices”.

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