Noruega emite fondos para proyectos de electrificación marítima

Noruega no sólo pretende sanear su sistema de transporte por carretera con coches y camiones, sino que también quiere que sus rutas marítimas sean neutras en emisiones de CO2 y ahorrar más emisiones. Por ello, ahora se están promoviendo varios proyectos para ayudar a reducir las emisiones en el mar.

Image: ASKO Maritime

Norway’s economic development agency Enova is funding a total of 709 million kroner (approx. 62.8 million euros) for a number of projects to decarbonise shipping, including two projects for purely battery-electric ships.

ASKO Maritime is looking into installing an all-electric propulsion system with 25 MWh of battery capacity in two identical container ships that will sail on a newly created zero-emission sea route from Bodø to Tromsø and be charged with 6 MW at a stopover via Megawatt Charging System (MCS).

As part of the second project, Moen Marin plans a high-speed passenger boat with a hull solution based on the air-cushion principle and an electric drivetrain from Pascal Technologies. The hull of the passenger boat is planned to help to reduce energy consumption by 30 to 50 per cent. And if consumption drops, the range of the electric boat increases – or the battery can be smaller and cheaper for the same range.

Norway’s projects also extend beyond ship electrification solutions: The company Solvang wants to equip its gas tanker Clipper Eris with a carbon capture system in a funded pilot project. This is to capture and store 70 per cent of the CO2 in the ship’s exhaust gas.

“We want a faster phase-in of zero-emission technology in maritime transport. This applies to both technologies for the use of hydrogen-based energy carriers and special innovative electrification concepts for vessels,” says Nils Kristian Nakstad, CEO of Enova. “Enova supports those who are leading the way and now we want to increase and speed up the development and use of new and innovative technology that enables emission-free maritime transport.”

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