Gireve publica el protocolo para la implantación de Plug&Charge

French roaming platform Gireve has published the description of the PNCP protocol for accessing its security services. This protocol allows operators to implement Plug&Charge.

Gireve’s so-called Trust services are ISO-15118 compliant and accessible as open source, according to the company. It also incorporates the cybersecurity standards such as RFC 7030, RFC 8295, and PKIs.

Gireve’s technical teams aimed to “integrate s to the complex nature of the Plug&Charge and the ISO 15118, and encapsulate it in order to ultimately only expose very simple interfaces.”

Thus, each participant only has to implement one or two interfaces to run Plug&Charge. That is why Gireve also describes the PNCP as the most flexible open-source protocol for Plug&Charge.

In the background, Gireve has developed, tested and optimised the PNCP with its partners. The service is aimed at charge point operators, mobility service providers and manufacturers “who want to offer their users a secure Plug&Charge solution without having to deal with its complexity”.

“We wanted to bring to the market a protocol that was both secure and dynamic. The implementation of Plug&Charge is getting started and the market is currently making arrangements for that,” says Margaux Vandeville, Product Director at Gireve. “Since 2018, we have been participating in taskforces to set the best practices and common rules shared by all stakeholders, which brings us visibility on the upcoming developments onto the market. We’ve therefore worked on a protocol which was able to be adapted to the various scenarios, while still upholding our vision of a market that’s open, free, robust and fair.”, (full protocol description)

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