Bruselas financia once proyectos de recarga rápida

The government of the Brussels Capital Region is funding the installation of fast and ultra-fast charging stations for electric vehicles with 500,000 euros. Eleven projects were selected as part of the funding.

Four fast charging hubs with a total of 116 charging points are to be built on public parking areas. In addition, there are four hubs for ultra-fast charging with four charging points each, a project with 43 charging points for electric taxis and two fast chargers especially for vans and trucks.

In this case, “fast” charging points are stations with power ratings of more than 22 and up to 50 kW. “Ultra-fast” charging points are therefore 51 kW and more – but usually these are 150 kW chargers and even more powerful models.

Apart from these projects, another 1,400 charging points will be installed on the streets of the Belgian capital this year through the ChargyClick programme, managed by the distribution network operator Sibelga. According to Alain Maron, the minister responsible for climate and the environment, every resident of Brussels will then find a charging station within 150 metres of their home.

“We support these innovative fast-charging projects to ensure that residents, workers and visitors to our capital can always find a charging option that meets their needs,” says Maron.

The Brussels regional government is reportedly aiming for a total of 22,000 publicly accessible charging points by 2035 and has decreed that all parking areas in the Belgian capital region with ten parking spaces or more must offer a minimum number of charging points in the future. The regulation is to come into force in 2025 and become stricter from 2030.