Aviva invierte 110 millones de libras en Connected Kerb

The UK charging infrastructure company Connected Kerb is to receive an investment of up to £110 million from insurance company Aviva. The investment should enable the installation of a total of 190,000 publicly accessible AC chargers across the UK by 2030.

Connected Kerb announced the plan to roll out public charging points in the UK in November 2021. Now, as part of the agreement with Aviva, Connected Kerb will not only provide public charging but also provide charging infrastructure across the insurer’s pan-European property portfolio. By the end of this year alone, the London-based company aims to have installed 4,000 chargers.

Chris Pateman-Jones, CEO of Connected Kerb, said: “This investment combines the proven long-term reliability of Connected Kerb’s infrastructure with the financial resources and expertise of Aviva Investors to deploy charging, at scale, to all corners of the UK, giving individuals and businesses the confidence to make the switch to electric.”

For the whole of the UK, the government envisages more than 300,000 charging stations by 2030. Connected Kerb wants to realise a large part of this with the targeted 190,000 charging points. Aviva’s investment of up to 110 million pounds should give the London-based company the necessary financial leeway. Connected Kerb says that the investment of up to £110 million is equivalent to around a quarter of all the funding provided by the UK government under the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund, which is designed to help local authorities fund on-street electric vehicle charging projects.

Connected Kerb specialises in on-street AC overnight charging with 7-22KW. The company targets those who do not have parking facilities on their own properties and must therefore rely on public charging offers.

Connected Kerb is also planning to expand into the US, having recently been selected for a pilot project in New York City. Here, the British company is to deliver on-street charge points across New York City in what it calls a “groundbreaking flagship project”. Provided for the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) and Newlab, the pilot could lead to 10,000 curbside chargers across NYC by 2030.


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