LG ES y Siemens anuncian una cooperación para la producción de baterías

LG Energy Solution and Siemens have agreed to cooperate in the field of battery production. This is particularly about the digitalisation of production processes. The first joint project has already been decided.

The memorandum of understanding now signed provides for cooperation “in the field of battery manufacturing, particularly the digitization of production process”, according to LGES. Siemens board member Cedrik Neike, who is also CEO of the Digital Industries Division, travelled to LGES headquarters in Seoul to sign the memorandum of understanding.

The cooperation aims to make battery cell manufacturing processes smart. “Through this strategic collaboration, LGES will be able to implement smart battery manufacturing processes at its factories with the advanced techniques,” the Korean company wrote. “Furthermore, the collaboration will allow LGES to cut back on Carbon footprint in its entire supply chain management, as it aims to boost sustainability in its business operations.”

The first production line based on the LGES-Siemens collaboration is to be set up at Ultium Cells’ second battery cell factory in Spring Hill in the US state of Tennessee. Ultium Cells, a joint venture between General Motors and LGES, plans to start production there in 2023.

“The future of carbon-neutral mobility requires high-performing batteries,” says Neike. “They are at the heart of the electric vehicle market. Siemens and LG ES will work on a big leap forward in battery manufacturing.”

Young Soo Kwon, CEO of LG Energy Solution, wants to use Siemens know-how to “efficiently drive” digitised manufacturing processes. “The process of manufacturing intelligence in battery production is becoming a critical factor, especially as LGES continues to improve the quality of its products while expanding its production base globally,” he said.


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