Lanzamiento del primer camión de basura con pila de combustible de Corea del Sur

South Korea’s first hydrogen-powered garbage truck entered service a few days ago in Changwon. The 5-ton truck with fuel cell will initially be tested for one year as part of a project of the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy with Hyundai Motor and the Korea Automotive Technology Institute.

The hydrogen truck is expected to have a range of 350 kilometres. Six cylindrical pressure tanks are installed behind the driver’s cab and are said to be able to store up to 25 kilograms of hydrogen. Externally, the vehicle resembles a garbage truck with an internal combustion engine commonly used in South Korea. South Korean media do not provide any details on further performance data.

Changwon is located about 400 kilometres southeast of the capital Seoul. Mayor Heo Seong-moo hopes for a hydrogen industry for his city, “We will do our best to make it a ‘hydrogen industry city’ pursued by Changwon City by cooperating with organisations and companies.”

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