CA: Implantación de cargadores rápidos de 100 kW en el circuito eléctrico

AddÉnergie Technologies has been selected to supply more than 100 fast-charging stations to Hydro-Québec’s Electric Circuit network following a recent call for proposals. The contract will see AddÉnergie deliver its newest chargers over a two-year term.

The cooperation between the two local Canadian businesses is not new. In fact, this is the fifth Electric Circuit call for proposals to be won by AddEnergie. Only this time, they will deliver 100 kW chargers to accommodate for “the arrival on the market of a growing number of electric vehicles able to charge at power levels exceeding 50 kW,” according to the press statement.

Hydro-Québec will start to roll out these new 100-kW charging stations in the next few weeks to build on what it claims to be the largest public charging network in Québec. The Electric Circuit now consists of more than 2,500 public charging stations, including 305 fast-charge stations, in every region of the province.

Most of these come from AddEnergie which has the Electric Circuit since 2013. The company also operates the FLO charging network in Canada.

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