REINO UNIDO: Los servicios ChargePoint llegan a los supermercados


British ChargePoint Services that operate the GeniePoint network announced a plan with Morrisons supermarkets to provide 50-100kW rapid EV charging at their stores across the nation. The first charging stations will have been constructed and operational by the end of April.

The charging infrastructure expansion will not end there, however. A total of 100 charging stations are expected to be installed by the end of 2019. ChargePoint Services – note that this is not the U.S. ChargePoint – is aiming to provide accompanying charging services on a smaller scale for private users, who need to charge their vehicles while running errands. As Alex Bamberg, managing director at the GeniePoint operator, puts it: “By offering another useful local service, customers are provided with a choice for grocery, café and comfort stops, and green vehicle refuelling.”

Last year, a similar venture had been set up between Tesco, Volkswagen and Pod Point, who are installing a network of more than 2,400 charging bays across 600 Tesco locations. The pub operators Marston’s Inns and Taverns is cooperating with the charging infrastructure operator Engenie, to install 400 fast charging stations.,

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