Francia: Las ventas de coches eléctricos aumentan un 111% en noviembre


While the yellow vests may continue to protest in France, electric vehicle sales across the country are on the up, meaning the 2018 trend continues. Sales of all-electric cars have more than doubled in November, with French manufacturers leading the chase.

En detail, an exact 3,541 electric cars were registered in France this November, a plus of 111.7 per cent compared to the same month last year. The Renault Zoe defends its status as bestseller with 1,895 units (+ 144,20 %), thus accounting for more than half of all sales.

Next one up is the Nissan Leaf and while far behind in absolute numbers with 420 units sold, the little EV from Nippon registers strong growth with + 244,26 %.

In addition, 827 light commercial vehicles with electric drive (+67.8%) made it onto the roads in France.

Lastly, 1,299 new plug-in hybrids sold, mean the segment only increased by 2.6 percent compared to the same month last year.

En total, Avere now counts 26,621 electric vehicles having been registered throughout 2018, an average annual increase by 20%. Again the Renault Zoe is on top of the list (14,480 units), followed by the Nissan Leaf with 4,219 and the BMW i3 on rank 3 with 1,121 units sold.

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