SK Innovation retrasa las pilas de petaca

SK Innovation of Korea is delaying the introduction of their expected new EV battery cells. The pouch NCM batteries of type 811 had been planned since a year but so far, they are only being utilised in energy storage systems and larger EVs.

Apparently SK Innovation is not ready for mass-scale roll-out. The pouch-type batteries made from nickel, cobalt and manganese that would allow a range of up to 500 kilometers for electric vehicles had first been made public in September 2017 según se informa.

While the launch was scheduled a year later, that is now, the cells are still being tested in more controlled scenarios such as electric bus and stationary energy storage for the time being.

News of the delay of the introduction in electric cars has been first posted by a reader of the Impulsar los VE blog. If proven true, the delay means that the Kia Niro EV won’t have NCM 811 battery cells. Instead it seems that the upcoming electric Mercedes SUV will be the first to boast the new battery cells by SK Innovation next year – at the earliest.

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