Aston Martin construye un hiper VE submarino


Forget about supercars; super submarines are all the latest rage. Aston Martin has just started production of project Neptune that is more imaginative than its name suggests.

Their submersible can dive 500 metres all-electrically and stay under water for 12 hours thanks to a 30 kWh battery. In a partnership with Triton Submarines, Aston Martin managed to increase the speed of the vehicle from 4 miles per hour to a slightly more sightly 5.7 miles per hour by adding power and reshaping the vehicles front, adding more hydrodynamic efficiency.

While the manufacturer states that the submersible will features the typical luxuries of an Aston Martin, such as air conditioning, there was no mention of how this affects battery performance or, possibly more importantly, air supply.

It is not clear when the vehicle will be offered, by the 3.3 million dollar price has already been announced. A public reveal is also planned later this year. It will be available as a bespoke offer in a very limited edition only of course.

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