Renault e Ikea introducen el concepto de coche compartido en Francia


Renault is starting a cooperation with Ikea in France to provide a car-sharing service, and is providing about 300 commercial and utility vehicles, including some EVs. The service is set to be introduced by September to eventually include all French Ikea franchises.

The offer is designed for a self-service concept, which means that customers can rent the vehicles on-site 7 days week any time of day.

The models being offered include the Renault models Trafic, Kangoo, Kangoo Z.E. and the Zoe. The use of electrified vehicles is mostly based on the prevalence of local charging infrastructure, and the companies are aiming to have an entirely electrified fleet by 2020. The first Ikea store to offer the service will be the franchise in Paris Villiers.

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