Los rumores aseguran problemas entre Didi y NEVS


The Chinese Uber equivalent DiDi Chuxing has cancelled their cooperation with Saab owner National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS), announced at the end of 2017, to develop a specialised EV for the ride-share service, according to rumours.

Apparently the Chinese car manufacturer BAIC may have made a better offer to DiDi Chuxing, according to a Swedish report. An official statement ending the cooperation, or detailing any updates to the nature of the agreement, has not been released.

Shortly after the announcement from Didi Chuxing to cooperate with 12 car manufacturers to develop a EV ride-sharing plataforma, they had entered a strategic agreement with BAIC. This cooperation includes the areas of EV fleet operation, big data solutions, mobility services and customer-specific vehicle design and charging services. Together the companies plan to bring intelligent mobility systems into the next generation.

In October NEVS announced the cooperation with Didi Chuxing. As a goal, they cited the development of an electric vehicle optimized for ride-sharing services. Didi has very ambitious plans and wants to offer not less than 1 million EVs over their platform by 2020.

If the rumours turn out to be true, it would mean the loss of a large order for NEVS, but it would not be the end of the company, as they have signed expansive agreements with multiple socios; most recently with China Volant Industry (Volinco) to deliver 20,000 EVs. Additionally, 150,000 NEVS 9-3 EVs were ordered by the leasing company Panda New Energy in China.


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acerca de "Los rumores aseguran problemas entre Didi y NEVS"
mr EV
12.04.2018 um 16:28
they have only changed platform to sango instead of the old 9-3. So the work continous.

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