Nuevos registros de matriculación de vehículos de combustibles alternativos en la UE


According to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, also known as ACEA, a total of 97,571 vehicles, which run entirely on electrical propulsion, were registered and approved to drive in the EU during 2017.

This marks an increase of 53.7% more vehicles than during the previous year. At the same time, plug-in hybrids increased by 28.8% to a total of 115,405 permits, while hybrid vehicles without a charging plug increased by 54.8% to a total of 431,504.


This marks for another year of continued and increased growth for alternative fuel vehicles in Europe. As charging grids are expanded, the market is ripe for the taking, as new manufacturers and technologies are continuously integrated into the industrial landscape. Demand for electric vehicles has nearly doubled in some nations, such as Spain with 90.8% increased registrations compared to the year before or Germany, with an added 76.8% increase in demand.

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