BMW, Uber, Volkswagen, Renault.

BMW is to enter the Formula E, as it revises its international motor sport strategy. Close cooperation for engineering and procedures with Team Andretti is set for the next two years. Season 2018/2019 will see its own BMW team however, given the electric racing series remains as strong as it is. The German carmaker hopes to increase battery capacity in particular.,

Flying Uber taxis? Hailing a passenger drone via app may be a reality in just ten years time, the ride-hailing service Uber reckons. It is looking into vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) craft, which would most likely fly electrically. Details remain scarce though.,

Speeding up H2 developments: Volkswagen is to accelerate its fuel cell development, which currently resides at Audi. Partner Ballard Power Systems broke the news. This also means a tighter schedule for series models under the HyMotion label due by 2019.

To prove autonomous driving, Renault is constructing a driving demonstration zone with two partners in Chinese Wuhan. By November, a first self-driving EV will run up and down a 2 kilometre test track.

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