Hybrid Airship, ETH Zúrich, Strem Chemicals, PowerCell Suecia.

Flying-Whales-AirshipHybrid Airship: French firm Flying Whales plans to build a 60-tonne Large Capacity Airship, LCA60T, with the help of ultracapacitor manufacturer Skeleton Technologies. It will be equipped with a hybrid electric power propulsion system and is designed primarily to transport logging timber.

50% better charge: Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute and the ETH Zurich have developed a simple procedure for enhancing conventional Li-ion rechargeable batteries by optmising the graphite anode. They were able to enhance performance by up to 30 to 50 percent.

New solvents: Strem Chemicals will be manufacturing and distributing nine battery solvents and additives based on material licensed from Argonne National Laboratory. Future steps include the implementation in commercial batteries.

PowerCell Sweden delivers: A prototype of PowerCell Sweden AB’s 100 kW PowerCell S3 fuel cell stacks for distribution trucks has been delivered to a European transport company.

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