LG, Apple, Peugeot Design Lag, Scania.

LG does business in Iran: LG International Corp. has signed a tentative agreement with the Iranian government to help develop electric vehicles and charging infrastructure in the country. According to local media, the deal includes the development of 20 EVs for manufacturer Iran Khodro by 2018, as well as to set up charging stations in Tehran and produce a total of 60,000 EVs by 2023.
mehrnews.com, greencarcongress.com

Apple invests in ride service: Apple has invested 1bn dollars in Chinese Uber competitor, Didi. Apple will help build up the platform, which already services 11m riders a day. Moreover, if Apple is already working with Didi on an IT level, it could make sense for them to include the iCar in its fleet once it hits road.
bloomberg.com, hybridcars.com

Impulsado por el sol: Peugeot Design Lab has designed a solar energy charging station for EVs, called the DRIVECO Parasol. The wooden structure is fitted with 88 solar panels and Li-ion batteries to store extra energy. Up to seven vehicles can charger there simultaneously. Paris has already commissioned one DRIVECO Parasol, and Ajaccio will likely commission another.

Delivery for Madrid: Volkswagen Group’s Scania will begin delivering 51 hybrid buses to Madrid starting in June. The buses meet EU suburban and short distance Class II regulations and will be used by seven operators, including Alsa, Samar, Avanza, and DBlas.

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