Helsinki, Luxemburgo, Uruguay, Rungis.

Helsinki takes car sharing a step further and might make car ownership redundant by 2025. Its new concept for “Mobility on Demand” is taking into account all forms of transport and integrates them in a single payment system. However, this is very much future talk while their ‘Kutsuplus’ minibus can already be ordered via smartphone and personally scheduled.

Luxembourg plans carsharing: The scheme is set to start in the capital by 2015 and will receive 1.5 million euros by the City of Luxembourg in the first ten years of its existence. For the start, only 15 (“low emission,” not fully electric) cars will be deployed by the newly founded Carsharing SA, which the city owns by 97% while partners Cambio and ACL get a 1% share each.

Renault goes Uruguay: The French company has just delivered 30 Kangoo Z.E. to the state-owned utility provider UTE. They will be used in the capital Montevideo and elsewhere in the country, which already gets 84% of its energy from renewable sources.,

Rungis to be electrified: SEMMARIS, that manages Rungis International Market in Paris, added seven Renault Zoes to its fleet. The partnership with the French carmaker is aimed at the 1,200 market sellers and their 25,000 customers. Together with the City of Paris, several charging stations are set to be erected at the market.

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