Israel, Bratislava, Bután, Nueva Zelanda.

Recharge at gas stations: Israeli gas station provider Paz Oil and Nissan importer Carasso agreed to strategically cooperate and install nine fast charging stations at Paz outlets. The chargers are paid per use and while being described as “universal” the stations will obviously not help former Better Place customers, since the Renault Fluence Z.E. is not capable of fast charging of any kind.,

Slovak battery swap: GreenWay has opened its first battery swapping station in the capital Bratislava last week. The service is for GreenWay’s rental vans, currently the electrified Citroen Jumper, but could be expanded nationwide or even to other countries. The battery swap itself is quite simple and anything but automatic: a forklift brings the new pack and extracts the old one from behind the driver’s cabin.,,

Another buzz for Bhutan: Just after introducing the Nissan Leaf (we reported) prime minister Tshering Tobgay announced the launch of Mahindra’s e2o and Reva later this week. He is also hoping for an electric bus trial with British Ashok Leyland and is eyeing Tesla, which Tobgay says he wants to “encourage.”

Tango for New Zealand: 15,000 of the Commuter Car’s Tango might soon be driving around Auckland. The project Microcar wants the city to buy the cars and then lease them to its commuters for 55 dollars per week instead of using the money for building new streets.

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