New Flyer reports major bus order from Washington DC
This order includes a firm order for 75 Xcelsior hybrid-electric 40-foot transit buses and 25 Xcelsior CHARGE NG 35-foot battery-electric buses, and options for up to 400 additional buses.
With a fleet of 1,500 buses, the Washington Metro services the National Capital Region, which includes the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. The electric Xcelsior CHARGE NG buses feature up to 32-61 seats and can go up to 220 miles per charge, depending on battery options. The 40-foot hybrid buses hold up to 84 passengers.
“New Flyer and Metro have enjoyed working together for thirty years,” said Chris Stoddart, President of North American Bus and Coach at NFI. “This new contract for the latest bus technology embraces healthy contracting measures and is paving the way for long-term benefits for both New Flyer and Metro. By striking a balance between bonding and payment schedules, it offers flexibility in pricing and delivery timelines to mitigate potential supply chain disruptions or other challenges.”
New Flyer has had a fairly good start to the year, with two major orders reported in the USA. One order came from Long Beach for 30 electric buses, while New York City’s MTA ordered 265 electric buses from New Flyer.