Volvo streamlines management – Deputy CEO Annwall leaves

Swedish car manufacturer Volvo Cars has announced an organisational change to its top management to increase speed and reduce complexity. The most high-ranking personnel change is CCO and Deputy CEO Björn Annwall stepping down.

Image: Volvo

The new, and according to Volvo, simpler organisation is “designed to increase simplicity, speed and collaboration and reduce complexity by flattening our structure in the Commercial part of the business – enhancing the responsibilities of the regions and empowering the employees that are closest to the customers to make key decisions,” said Volvo.

“In a rapidly changing world, we need to ensure our organisation is equipped to navigate a more challenging market. We are now regrouping our commercial leadership team with a focus on making Volvo Cars even stronger with increased speed and efficiency,” added Jim Rowan, CEO at Volvo Cars.

Probably the biggest of numerous personnel changes: Chief Commercial Officer Björn Annwall, who is also Rowan’s deputy, is stepping down. He will support the transition of the new organisation before “taking his next step outside of Volvo Cars.” The timing of his departure is not specified in the announcement.

Annwall’s next steps remain under wraps

Annwall has had a long career in Volvo’s top management, including as Senior Vice President of Marketing, Sales, and Service, later Head of Global Consumer Experience, then Head of the EMEA region, and then Head of Global Commercial Operations. From 2021, he was Chief Financial Officer and accompanied the Volvo IPO during this time. In June 2022, he was appointed Chief Commercial Officer and Deputy CEO.

“Over the past nine years, Björn has established a strong team around him that will continue the important work ahead, and I look forward to working closely together with him to enable this transition,” said Rowan. “I would also like to extend my warmest thanks to Björn for his tremendous contribution to Volvo Cars over the years, including the pivotal part he played in our successful listing on the stock market, advancing our shift towards electrification and our expansion into new markets.”

Annwall added: “It has been a privilege to be part of Volvo Cars journey these years in various roles. We have grown in sales volume and market earnings, gone from a private to a listed company, strengthened our brand and digital capabilities, built a strong team, and advanced our position in the premium market. Volvo Cars remains on an exciting journey in electrification and has an important role to play in the automotive sector going forward.”

The appointment of Erik Severinson is also at Board level. As Chief Product & Strategy Officer, he will lead the commercial strategy as well as corporate and product strategy, programme management, sustainability, digital, quality and energy business.

The Executive Management Team (EMT) of Volvo Cars will then consist of Rowan (CEO) Johan Ekdahl (CFO), Chief Legal Officer Helen Hu, Francesca Gamboni as Chief Supply Chain & Manufacturing Officer, Hanna Fager as Chief People Officer, Anders Bell as Chief Engineering & Technology Officer, the Head of Communications and External Relations, Olivia Ross-Wilson, and Severinson.

The other changes will be to the extended ‘Group Management Team,’ which also includes the EMT members. On 1 November, Arek Nowinski will become President of International Markets and will lead the business in Europe, the US and Canada, APEC, Latin America and global importers, as well as volume planning and global supply. Gretchen Saegh-Fleming, who currently heads the global marketing teams, will be responsible for Customer Experience & Marketing. And Oscar Bertilsson Olsborg will become head of the global retail business. In addition to dealer and service development, he will be responsible for Commercial Digital. Nine other managers are also members of the GMT, but there are no changes here.


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