Liverpool to order 50 electric buses

The city of Liverpool has earmarked 26 million pounds for the purchase of 50 new electric double-decker buses. While it is not sure who will win the order, there is one strong contender.

Image: Liverpool City Region

The funding for the additional buses comes from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS). The pot includes a total of 710 million pounds, reserved for “major transportation projects in the region.”

The newly announced 50 battery-electric buses will be in addition to the 58 electric buses previously ordered. The Liverpool City Region hopes to reach net zero carbon by 2035, and electrifying its public transport fleet is a big part of that, said Mayor Steve Rotheram.

As mentioned above, the order for the 50 buses has not yet been placed. So it cannot be said with certainty who will deliver the electric double-decker buses – or by when. However, the portal Route One notes that “an Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV demonstrator has gained the yellow-based livery and Metro branding that is to be applied to all buses.”

Moreover, Liverpool had ordered 20 fuel cell buses from ADL back in 2021. The Dennis Enviro400FCEV also carry the same branding.

“Today is a landmark moment in our mission to build a London-style, green transport system that works for the people of our city region,” said Rotheram. “With an additional 100 fully electric buses ordered in just the past few months, we’re showing the rest of the country what a climate action strategy looks like in practice, cleaning up our air with fewer emissions.”


about „Liverpool to order 50 electric buses“

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