Denmark: Clever and Apcoa plan 5,000 charging points in car parks

Together with Apcoa, charge point operator Clever plans to install more than 5,000 public charging points in car parks in Denmark by 2028. In addition, charging processes at all 8,500 public Clever charging points can soon be paid for via the Apcoa app.

Image: Clever

According to Apcoa, it currently operates 120 charging points in Denmark. These will be integrated into the Clever network that autumn and can also be billed via the charging point operator. Above all, however, the partnership is about significantly expanding the charging infrastructure in car parks. By 2028, Clver will install 5,000 new charge points in car parks across the country. However, it is not clear from the announcement how the charging points will be distributed across the individual locations. There are also no details about the charging capacities. The only thing that is clear is that Apcoa will advise car park owners on integrating charging options during parking. Clever, on the other hand, will take care of installation, maintenance and operation.

“We are witnessing a growing demand for charging options at our more than 3,000 locations. The need and expectation to charge vehicles while parking will only continue to increase,’ said Michael Christensen, Managing Director of Apcoa Denmark. “This necessitates a significant enhancement of our parking facilities,” which the company hopes to achieve by cooperating with the Danish company Clever.

The partnership is not limited to the installation of hardware. In the near future, Apcoa’s app ‘Apcoa Flow’ will “support ad hoc payments for charging at all of Clever’s 8,500 public charging stations.” That means that payment for charging and parking can be made via an app. As far as prices are concerned, Apcoa will only set them on the basis of current market prices.,


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