VW subsidiaries Elli and VW Commercial Vehicle combine charging and fleet services

At the IAA Transportation, the Volkswagen brand Elli is presenting the integration of its charging services into the ConnectPro fleet tool developed by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. This should make it easier for B2B customers with electric vehicles in their fleets to access Elli's charging services.

Image: Volkswagen

The integrated charging services will allow users of the VW Commercial Vehicle fleet tool ConnectPro to manage charging cards for public charging for their vehicles within this system. The aim is to bundle important information from vehicle and charging data in one platform, according to an accompanying press release. ‘Whether permanently assigned company cars or pool vehicles, our charging products are flexibly tailored to the requirements of different company fleets,’ says Michael Gotthelf, Vice President Elli Commercial. ‘With ConnectPro, we are working with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles to accelerate the comprehensive electrification of plant and company sites.’

A few months ago, Elli introduced a service called Charging Site Management. This is a management system for charging company fleets that bundles AC and DC charging hardware and integrated software solutions – including a range of functions designed to make charging processes in the fleet car park more suitable for everyday use. As a component of this solution, Elli is now offering software-based load management that is easy to set up and manage on site.

“A key to success of the e-mobility transition in Europe is the fleet and corporate sector,” emphasises Giovanni Palazzo, CEO Elli & SVP Volkswagen Charging & Energy. Against this backdrop, business customers need charging solutions that implement operational electromobility simply, quickly and intelligently. “This is where we come in. Elli offers in-house developed digital products and AC and fast charging solutions scalable and tailored to each customer. In addition, Elli gives businesses, logistics companies, and fleet operators access to one of the largest charging networks in Europe with over 750,000 charging points.”

The Elli Charger 2 is also celebrating its IAA trade fair premiere and is set to score points with intelligent charging functions such as PV-optimised or market price-optimised charging. According to the Volkswagen subsidiary, the wall box charging station will be available in four equipment variants – including a version that complies with calibration law. With B2B customers in mind, Elli also mentions that the new wall box charging station is also suitable for fleet customers with different usage scenarios thanks to the new load management mentioned above: “on company premises, in parking garages or at public charging stations.”

Elli intends to continue focussing on charging at the company site in the future – and offer further solutions at the interface between charging and energy systems. According to the company, storage systems that help to stabilise and increase the efficiency of the power grid will play an important role in this. “Charging electric fleets will therefore not only become more intelligent in the future, but will also be dynamically linked to the energy markets. For business customers, the integration of intelligent charging technologies, the optimization and control of local consumers and generators, and the introduction of dynamic energy tariffs will create conditions that optimize energy consumption across the entire business and reduce energy costs,” announced Elli. The VW subsidiary is convinced that local and decentralised storage and the so-called managed battery network will lead to a revolution in on-site energy management for companies, improving energy generation and consumption and paving the way for commercial vehicle-to-grid (V2G) applications.



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