CATL unveils battery for long-haul electric trucks

Chinese battery manufacturer CATL presented a 600 kWh battery for electric heavy-duty trucks at the IAA Transport. It enables a range of up to 500 kilometres and has a lifetime equal to the service life of long-haul trucks.

Image: CATL

The battery is called Tectrans – T and is available in two variants: the ‘Long Life Edition’ and the ‘Superfast Charging Edition.’ According to CATL, the former has a lifespan of 2.8 kilometres, which translates to about 15 years. “This product boasts an impressive driving range of up to 500 kilometres, coupled with a battery warranty that spans the entire service life of the vehicle, ensuring meticulous cost management for your business,” said Aleksej Krükov, Chief Engineer of CATL Overseas Business, during the presentation in Hanover, Germany.

The ‘Superfast Charging Edition’ supports 4C charging, meaning customers can recharge the battery from zero to 70 per cent in 15 minutes. Moreover, it is available with a capacity of 200 to 600 kWh, with 600 kWh being enough for a range of 500 kilometres. CATL puts its lifespan at around eight years or 1.2 million kilometres. “Having stood the test of time, this product sets a new benchmark for heavy-duty truck battery endurance,” Krükov added.

The Tectrans -T, at least the ‘Long Life Edition,’ is also compatible with CATL’s battery-swapping system for electric trucks. The system, called Qiji Energy, was first presented last year and consists of exchange stations, battery packs and a cloud platform.

Moreover, the presentation of the truck battery comes just days after the battery maker presented its Tectrans – B, a long-life battery designed for electric buses. It, too, is on display at the IAA Transportation and offers a service life of 1.5 million kilometres or 15 years. CATL introduced its new subsidiary ‘Tianxing’ for commercial vehicle batteries in July – and also unveiled two products. Both are designed for light commercial vehicles and are based on CATL’s cell-to-pack (CTP) approach without a module level in the battery packs.,


about „CATL unveils battery for long-haul electric trucks“
Ian Hill
18.09.2024 um 05:27
That is 2 charge times for the electric truck to a diesel truck or 4 for a return journey. Who will pay for the down time
Karl Roebling
18.09.2024 um 14:12
Truckers in US are required to take 30 min break. Recharging then would cost drivers nothing.

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