The Hague bans fossil fuel advertising

The Hague has become the first city in the world to pass a law banning the advertising of fossil fuels and related services. It is legally binding and comes into force at the beginning of next year.

The law means the end of publicly and privately funded advertising for petrol and diesel, aircraft and cruise ships in the streets of the Dutch city. However, there are also loopholes present: it does not apply to political advertising by the fossil fuel industry or adverts promoting a general brand.

“Major government investments are needed to counteract the negative effect of fossil advertising,” said Thijs Bouman, an associate professor in environmental psychology at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, explaining that fossil fuel advertising undermines climate policy because it normalises and promotes unsustainable behaviour. He added: “If fossil advertising is banned, these resources can be better deployed, for example to strengthen sustainable options and facilities such as public transport.”


about „The Hague bans fossil fuel advertising“
17.09.2024 um 08:12
YES - Stop Smoking! A first step in done - congrats. Hope whole DK will follow AND keep there fossil stuff in there ground.
Ian Gorse
17.09.2024 um 09:45
Excellent......said in a Mr Burns voice.

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