California gets new EV subsidy programme for low-income households

The California Air Ressource Board (CARB) has announced a new subsidy programme to assist low-income households in switching to electric vehicles. The agency set aside a budget of 242 million dollars for the undertaking.

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Eligible participants will receive up to 12,000 dollars in subsidies to lease or buy a new or used electric vehicle. However, only if they also scrap their old non-electric vehicle. If a participant does not have a vehicle to scrap, the CARB will grant up to 7,500 dollars. The grant can be used to buy an electric car, motorcycle, or e-bike. In addition to the 12,000 dollars, eligible participants will receive an additional 2,000 dollars to cover charging costs.

The so-called Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP) is reserved for low-income Californians and “will largely benefit communities in parts of the state that do not already have assistance programs,” CARB says. Imperial County, located along the Mexican border, just east of San Diego, is the first county to roll out the programme.

“California has ambitious goals of achieving carbon neutrality and a clean air future, but reaching those targets is not possible if Californians are priced out of clean transportation options,” said CARB Executive Officer Dr. Steven Cliff. “The new Driving Clean Assistance Program provides a necessary focus on low-income Californians, bringing zero-emission technology and increased transportation options to underserved communities across the state.”


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