Electric coaches replace trains in the Netherlands

Dutch state railway company NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) will use electric coaches for the first time to replace trains when they are not running due to disruption. Last week, the electric coaches ensured service on the route from Amersfoort Centraal station to Zwolle.

Image: Peter Lodder/Nederlandse Spoorwegen

The tree coaches are manufactured by Yutong, presumable the T12E. NS does not name the manufacturer or the model by name, but it can be deducted from the accompanying press images. The 12-metre-long bus has a 422 kWh battery, a range of about 500 kilometres, and fast-charging capabilities. According to Yutong, “a full charge only takes 1.5 hours.”

“At NS, we like to be at the forefront of offering sustainable mobility. This applies to our trains, of course, but if they unexpectedly cannot run, also to replacement bus transport,” says Tim van Leeuwen, Director of Operations Management NS. “We hope that these three buses will lead to more and are curious what our passengers think of electric coaches during work.”

The operator also works with Royal Jan de Wit Group to test the use of hydrogen buses. “From October, the Jan de Wit Group will use a hydrogen bus when it organizes bus transport for NS,” the press release states. In this case, there is no mention of the make or model either.

“The application of hydrogen technology in private bus transport is unknown territory,” says Walter de Wit, owner of Royal Jan de Wit Group. “With this test we want to find out whether, with the specific character of private bus transport, in which no day has the same deployment pattern of buses and drivers, hydrogen is a good alternative to fossil and biofuels in the long term.”

nieuws.ns.nl, linkedin.com


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