Beam Global introduces curbside charging system in California

The San Diego-based infrastructure solutions provider Beam Global has officially launched its patented 'BeamSpot' curbside EV charging system. It intends to launch the product in the USA and Europe.

Image: Beam Global

According to the manufacturer, the streetlight replacement combines solar, wind and utility-generated electricity into Beam Global’s proprietary integrated batteries to provide both lighting and curbside charging for electric vehicles. BeamSpot advertises that its products are intended for public use in areas where EV charging is needed most but traditional installation methods are most challenging. This includes on-street parking environments, communities with multi-unit housing and public access complexes such as shopping centres, airports, event centres, stadiums and amusement parks.

The concept behind the company’s charging system is that the use of existing streetlight foundations and circuits to power EV charging stations allows for a simple answer to expanding EV charging infrastructure. Beam Global notes that streetlights generally have sufficient power to energize light bulbs, much less than is needed to provide meaningful charges to electric vehicles. Beam Global then wants to replace the standing street lights “with a product that combines multiple sources of renewable energy and onboard battery storage, providing a meaningful EV charging experience without requiring new or upgraded utility-grid circuits or other traditional curbside charging infrastructure requirements.”

The US American company is looking to market the product both in the USA and Europe. To help with this endeavour, Beam Global announced the creation of Beam Europe last year, which was done through the acquisition of Amiga DOO, “one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of streetlights.” While this is the first major streetlight charging station for the US, Beam Global will be meeting competition from companies such as the British firm Connected Kerb, which recently introduced smart charging for its curb-side charging system. However, Connected Kerb is mainly active in the UK, which leaves more than a few markets open for Beam Global. However, a major difference between the two company’s charging concepts is that Connected Kerb integrates its technology into the existing power grid, while Beam Global notably intends to produce and store its own clean energy.

“We believe our BeamSpot product line will solve real problems both in America and in Europe: expanding access to charging where people need it most, at the curb on the street and in parking lots,” said Desmond Wheatley, CEO of Beam Global. “Areas with the most EVs often face significant challenges in deploying infrastructure and managing increased electricity demand. Traditional charging infrastructure can be costly and disruptive to install, often requiring significant modifications to existing public spaces.”

Beam Global has not officially revealed which markets it intends to target in Europe, however, it has established a headquarters in Belgrade and Kraljevo, Serbia, next to its main HQ in San Diego and additional facilities in Chicago.


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