Fire services in Berlin and Paris rely on Rosenbauer RT

The Austrian fire equipment supplier Rosenbauer has transferred further electric fire engines to Berlin and Paris. The Berlin fire department now has the world's largest fleet of electrically powered fire engines, as Rosenbauer states.

Image: Rosenbauer

Following the successful test phase of a pre-series vehicle, the Berlin fire service is putting five more Rosenbauer RT (Revolutionary Technology) vehicles into regular service. The vehicles are based on a 4×4 chassis and have two electric motors, each with a continuous output of 130 kW, as well as two batteries with a total capacity of 132 kWh on board. The blue light vehicles can be charged with up to 22 kW AC or 150 kW DC.

Two Rosenbauer RT units have also recently been deployed in Paris. The duo has gone to Groupe ADP for the Paris-Orly and Paris-Charles de Gaulle airports. Further units are already in service in Basel and Vienna. The RT was first presented in 2020 after a three-year development phase.

“Since its market launch, 43 units of this innovative municipal firefighting vehicle have been delivered worldwide. The RT is highly adaptable to specific requirements and conditions,” the manufacturer writes. The firefighting vehicle is characterised by its sophisticated system architecture, including an integrated driver and crew compartment, low entry and operating level and multiple energy supply (high-voltage battery storage and energy backup system). (Berlin), (Paris)


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