Porsche manager Schubert to take over as Audi Board Member for Sales

Audi has appointed Marco Schubert, previously Head of Porsche Europe, as the brand's new Head of Sales. Schubert succeeded Hildegard Wortmann, who left the Audi Board of Management after more than five years, on 1 September.

Image: Audi

Wortmann announced her departure from Audi in a LinkedIn post at the end of August. The manager, who was also part of the extended VW Group management, wants to take a step back in future: She intends to continue to fulfil her Supervisory Board mandates, but Wortmann has not taken on a new, operational job. Wortmann is leaving the Volkswagen Group at her own request and by mutual agreement, according to the press release.

Her duties at VW and Audi will be taken over by Marco Schubert. With effect from 1 September, the former Head of Region Europe at Porsche has been appointed to both the Audi Board of Management and the Extended Group Management of the Volkswagen Group. In both cases, he is responsible for sales and marketing.

Although he comes from Porsche, Schubert is not new to Audi: before his position in Zuffenhausen, the native of Magdeburg spent three years as President Audi Sales Division in China. At Skoda, he was Head of Sales Asia and Overseas until 2018. From 2014 to 2017, Schubert was Managing Director at Audi in Sweden. Prior to that, he was Head of the Northern Europe region at Audi for three years.

“To return to the four rings – to me, this feels like coming home. The team spirit and pioneering outlook at Audi have had a major influence on me and my career,” said Schubert himself. “We will continue to need these qualities in the future, because we have big plans: Audi is putting the biggest product offensive in its company history onto the road. I am looking forward to shaping this transformation together with the markets and to making people all over the world enthusiastic for Audi again and again.”

Wortmann’s time at VW and Audi saw a number of challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the global semiconductor crisis. “In cooperation with my passionate team at Audi, in Group sales operations, and in the markets, in the last few years, which were marked by great changes and disruptions, I have been able to shape, change and successfully implement many things,” says Wortmann. “I would like to thank everyone who has supported me on this path and put their trust in me. This is not to be taken for granted, and it means a lot to me. I extend these thanks especially to our partners in the worldwide dealer organizations.”

Audi CEO Gernot Döllner also had some kind words for Wortmann’s performance: “Hildegard Wortmann has successfully led sales operations and the Audi brand in volatile times and under difficult circumstances, and she energetically set the course for the biggest product offensive in the history of AUDI AG which recently commenced with the Audi Q6 e-tron. In the name of the entire Board of Management I would like to express sincere thanks for this outstanding achievement.”



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