Volvo Trucks launches charge management service

Volvo Trucks introduces new services for charging electric trucks. The new “Charging Management” service enables transport companies to efficiently manage the private charging of their electric trucks at their home depots.

Image: Volvo Trucks

The new platform allows hauliers to create charging plans, which determine when vehicles are expected to start charging and reach full battery levels. This would allow increased productivity and uptime, according to Volvo, “by ensuring that the trucks within a fleet are sufficiently charged for planned operations and by reducing the number of unplanned charging sessions.”

“Charging is a key area when operating an electric truck. As a transport company, you want to make sure that your trucks are charged and ready when it’s time for the next transport mission. Following up the charging process is also important to be able to see if there are deviations. This service helps the haulers with all of this,” said Johan Östberg, Electromobility service owner at Volvo Trucks.

Last year, Volvo had introduced its ‘Open Charge’ offer, a service that allows drivers to access public charging infrastructure in three steps: “find, book, charge.” The charging service is part of Volvo Trucks’ digital services. The customer can find locations via Volvo Connect and a mobile app and see if charging points are available. Billing is also possible, and Volvo says reserving charging slots will be possible in “the near future.”


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