Daimler Buses integrates solutions from ChargePoint

ChargePoint announces a new partnership with Daimler Buses. In future, ChargePoint's telematics and charging management systems will be integrated into Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses.

Image: ChargePoint

ChargePoint and Daimler are old acquaintances: Daimler invested in the charging network from the USA back in 2017. Hardware from ChargePoint is also being used in the new Mercedes-Benz charging network in the USA.

However, the latest collaboration is not about hardware, but about software: ChargePoint’s telematics solution is being integrated into the Mercedes-Benz and Setra e-buses. ChargePoint’s fleet and charging management systems analyse data in real time and thus offer a comprehensive service for the efficient operation of various fleets and the expansion of electric vehicle fleets.

Bernd Mack, Head of After Sales & Parts & Used Vehicles at Daimler Buses, is delighted about the new collaboration: “I am very pleased that, in ChargePoint, we were able to gain another partner for our Data-as-a-Service ecosystem. The partnership with ChargePoint is a further important component in making the use of vehicle data as easy and secure as possible for our bus customers.”

Through a single seamless interface, ChargePoint provides fleet managers with all the information they need to increase efficiency, from asset monitoring and management to real-time insights and advanced reporting.

“Many of our bus fleet customers across Europe have buses from Daimler Buses in their fleet,” says Uwe Münch, Director Bus & Transit Europe at ChargePoint. “With this new partnership, we are opening up additional options for users of our software to optimise their bus fleet. And not only for electric buses, but also for conventionally powered vehicles, which our software also manages for mixed fleets.”

ChargePoint has expanded its telematics offering in recent years, including through the acquisition of ViriCiti. ChargePoint divides the functional scope of the telematics solution into three aspects: Vehicle management, battery status and reporting. The aim is to enable fleet managers to track the location and efficiency of their vehicles and increase vehicle availability and utilisation. The software should also help to optimise battery status. The solution also promises forecasts on depreciation.

chargepoint.com, daimlertruck.com


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