Fortum faces resistance on planned recycling factory in Germany

The Finnish company Fortum Battery Recycling wants to build a new recycling hub in Artern, Thuringia, and is planning investments in the mid double-digit million range. However, the Thuringian State Environment Agency has received almost 1,500 objections to this.

Image: Fortum

Among others, the citizens’ initiative Landgemeinde Artern is speaking out against the plant. This is due to fears of environmental pollution and loss of property value, reports MDR. The Thuringian State Environment Agency received a total of 1,472 objections by the deadline of 22 July, 49 of which were individual objections and 1,423 signatures. The vast majority of the objections were submitted by the citizens’ initiative. Independently of this, 48 objections were received. The objections relate to a wide range of topics. These range from immission control law, plant safety and fire protection to water, nature and species protection and environmental impact assessments.

Due to the many objections, the authorisation procedure for the recycling plant is now likely to be delayed. Once again, it is clear that in Germany you need patience when it comes to industrial development. After all, Fortum announced its plans 13 months ago, has received support from politicians and wants to create around 70 jobs. Nevertheless, the public hearing planned for the end of September has now had to be postponed due to the many objections. The State Environment Agency needs time to examine the objections, some of which are detailed. Thoroughness has the highest priority here and outweighs the interest in rapid processing. The new date will be announced in a timely manner.

In Artern, Fortum is planning the mechanical processing of used batteries and production waste – just like in Fortum’s first German recycling plant in Kirchardt, Baden-Württemberg, where commercial operations have been running since April 2023. This process produces the so-called ‘black mass’. “We see great potential in the Artern region and have already started talks with the local authorities about a development plan for the production of black mass,” said Tero Holländer, Head of Business Line Batteries at Fortum Battery Recycling, last year.

The planned battery recycling plant of SungEel HiTech and Samsung in Gera is also facing opposition. There were as many as 7,800 objections, reports MDR. (both in German)


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