Beware of fake QR codes at charging stations

The QR codes on charging stations are susceptible to fraud. Criminals use manipulated QR codes to try to obtain sensitive payment data. A media report now documents several cases.

Charging station quishing – derived from phishing – is a fraud phenomenon that has arisen due to the widespread use of public chargers. Perpetrators stick fake QR codes over the real ones to intercept credit card data and make illegal charges. The German newspaper Auto Motor und Sport has now been able to shed light on a few cases from its readers.

IT security expert Eddy Willems told Auto Motor und Sport that he is aware of cases in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. Charging point quishing is “definitely a problem within the EU, if not worldwide.” Codes not attached to the charger but shown on the display could provide a remedy., (both in German)


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