Paraclete Energy launches silicon anode material in the USA

US-American silicone anode material supplier Paraclete Energy has announced a new silicon anode material with significantly improved energy density and performance. The product will release in the final quarter of 2024.

Image: Paraclete Energy

Michigan-based silicone anode material supplier Paraclete Energy has announced the launch of SILO Silicon, a “revolutionary silicon anode material that will transform the Li-ion battery market, particularly the EV battery sector,” offering “unprecedented energy density and cost efficiency.”

The company also makes some bold claims about its technological breakthrough, claiming a significant edge over its competitors: “Its unique polymer matrix architecture enables industry-leading silicon concentration, delivering up to 300% the energy density of traditional graphite anodes and outperforming competing silicon anode technologies by over 200%.” However, increased energy density is not the only advantage the US-American manufacturer claims: price-wise, the material allows for costs that are “33% less expensive per kilowatt hour than traditional carbon-based products”

Paraclete plans to start delivering its new ‘SILO Silicon’ anode material in the fourth quarter of 2024, “years ahead of projected competitor projects.” The company likely sees its main competitors in the USA, as the competition in China faces stiff import tariffs, and is generally more focused on sodium battery technology, while manufacturers in the USA are more focused on LFP batteries. However, the technology is not completely foreign: A startup in the USA recently announced plans to develop sodium batteries.

“SILO Silicon is a game-changer for the electric vehicle industry,” said Jeff Norris, CEO of Paraclete Energy. “This technology directly addresses the critical needs of the market, offering longer range, faster charging and lower costs – all essential factors in accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles.”


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