Red Funnel to launch battery-electric ferry between Southampton & West Cowes

UK ferry operator Red Funnel has announced plans to launch a high-performance electric ferry that will operate between Southampton and West Cowes on the Isle of Wight towards the end of 2025.

Image: Red Funnel

The Artemis EF-24 Passenger is a fully electric ‘e-foiling’ passenger ferry built in collaboration with maritime technology company Artemis Technologies. The design of the ferry is somewhat reminiscent of a catamaran and uses a hydrofoil, which can lift the vessel out of the water once it gains speed, reducing drag and allowing for greater speeds and more efficient operation.

The ferry was developed in collaboration with Artemis Technologies (ATL), as the name suggests. It features space for up to 150 passengers, is capable of a top speed of 36 knots (41 mph) and can charge in 60 minutes.

According to ATL, the ship will initially save up to 3,700 tons of CO2 annually, with potential savings rising to 4,150 tonnes as renewable electricity becomes more widely available. This will also not mark the end of the collaboration, as Red Funnel and ATL plan to cooperate for testing and sea trials in the following months.

“We have been working with Artemis Technologies for several months to develop this partnership, and we are delighted to reach this exciting milestone as part of our journey to decarbonise our fleet,” said Red Funnel CEO, Fran Collins, adding: “This is an important step towards transitioning to a sustainable and environmentally friendly fleet that will continue to provide a lifeline service for the Isle of Wight community both now and for future generations. We will be working closely with ATL over the coming months for testing and sea trials, including bespoke training of our High-Speed team so that we’re ready to add Artemis EF-24 Passenger to our fleet next year.”

Red Funnel is one of the UK’s oldest ferry operators, having been founded in 1861.,


about „Red Funnel to launch battery-electric ferry between Southampton & West Cowes“
M. P.
30.07.2024 um 16:42
I’m surprised they’ve got a cable long enough. Wonder what will go wrong with this one.
30.07.2024 um 16:51
A perfect application for an electric 'vehicle' .
James Walton
31.07.2024 um 08:03
I presume that Red Funnel have looked at the many studies which show that large scale Lithium batteries are unstable and prone to runaway thermal events which can rapidly become explosive. There is no way to put these fires out. Lithium batteries should be BANNED from ferries, not become part of the goddam ferry!
Nigel Cooper
31.07.2024 um 11:24
The article doesn't say how many trips per 60 min charge? Any idea?
04.08.2024 um 20:03
That means prices will be even more expensive to go to island

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