Beijing increases NEV quota for the province

Beijing, a province-level municipality and the capital of China, only allows a limited number of new cars on the road each year. It now increased the new passenger car sales quota for 2024 by 20,000 units. All of these have to be New Energy Vehicles (NEVs).

Image: Onvo

The additional units are reserved for families (not individuals), companies, or fleet operators, and for those who don’t currently own a car. The municipal government will rank families applying for approval. In case the total score ties, it will prioritise families who registered earlier.

In a follow-up announcement, Beijing said it would verify the family relationship and marital status of the family applicants. It also stated families with a marriage registration year earlier than 2004, a place of marriage registration outside Beijing, and a divorce situation need to enrol themselves for on-site verification.

Beijing started curbing new car registrations to tackle congestion in 2011 and has tightened the noose over the years. It gradually reduced the quota from 240,000 cars in 2011. In addition to restricting sales, it charges higher parking fees to discourage car ownership. Such moves anger tens of thousands of residents, but the municipal government has cleared it won’t budge.

Beijing allowing 20,000 additional new car registrations is possibly more exciting news for its residents than for automakers. It initially restricted sales of new cars to 100,000 units this year, divided between ICE models and NEVs in a 20:80 ratio. NEVs include Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) , Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), and Extended Range Electric Vehicles (EREVs).

So far, the municipal government distributed the 80,000 NEV registrations among four categories: 58,400 for families, 14,600 individuals, 4,000 companies, and 3,000 fleet operators. Following the recent amendment in the new car registration policy, Beijing allows automakers to sell a total of 78,400 new energy vehicles to families in 2024. (additional quota; in Chinese), (verification; in Chinese),


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