First electric bus fleet set to launch in Paraguay

In Paraguay, the country's first 30 electric buses are set to go into operation this year. These will be used in the capital Asunción. The electric buses will be manufactured by Taiwanese company Master Transportation, which is planning a production facility in Paraguay.

Image: unsplash/Anton Lukin

“We are working on the initial project of 30 buses. That is underway, we want to roll the electric buses for the metropolitan area before the end of the year,” said Transport Minister Emiliano Fernández. He further explained that the government is also working on electrifying its entire public transport network: “We are working on having technological mechanisms to control operations and other short-term measures (…) We are working on the technological software of the frequencies.”

“This is not simply putting batteries, chassis, and tires, it is the possibility of transforming the lives of millions of Paraguayans, and I set as an objective to improve the public transportation system and that in these 4 years, we can leave a public transportation that really provides dignity and fair treatment to Paraguayans,” added Paraguayan President Santiago Peña.

While the recently ordered buses will be manufactured in Master Transportation’s native Taiwan, the company has announced plans to build a factory in Paraguay. This factory would then produce bus chassis and bodies, aiming to serve the domestic market and future international exports. The project is expected to entail an investment of around 30 million US dollars. Master claims that the plant will directly create 2,000 to 2,500 job opportunities, while “benefiting numerous local suppliers.” It is not yet clear when the factory will be operational or construction could begin, however, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in May this year.,


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