Mirai owners sue Toyota over usability

A group of Mirai drivers from California has filed a class-action suit against Toyota. They accuse the Japanese company of misleading them about the usability of fuel cell vehicles in everyday life.

Image: Toyota

The drivers say that Toyota’s claims that “refuelling the Mirai is seamless” and “comparable to refuelling with gasoline” are not true. The number of hydrogen refuelling stations is scarce, and H2 prices are high, making fuel cell cars “unusable” for many drivers. According to Carscoops.com, the cost of hydrogen nearly tripled in the last two years in the US, going from $13/kg in 2022 to about $36/kg in 2024.

Also, the drivers claim that refuelling their FCEV takes hours – that is, if they can find a working filling station. And that is not all. The owners claim that the Mirai’s realistic range is consistently 100 miles (or 160 km) shorter than what Toyota promised.

So why not just buy a new car? That is also part of the class action lawsuit against the automaker. Because, due to all these issues, a used Mirai is worth very little. Apparently, after five years, it sells for less than 20 per cent of its initial price.

In the US, the Toyota Mirai is already sold exclusively in California because the Golden State at least has some refuelling stations. But there are less and less. In February, Shell announced that it is closing all its hydrogen refilling stations for cars in California with immediate effect, leaving Toyota Mirai, Hyundai Nexo, and Honda Clarity Fuel Cell drivers with seven fewer stations (out of 55). While California is one of the few markets for hydrogen-powered vehicles, only 3,143 were registered in 2023 — less than 1% of battery-electric cars in the same period, according to the California Energy Commission.

carscoops.com, classaction.org


about „Mirai owners sue Toyota over usability“
23.07.2024 um 13:53
Mirai available on Oahu.
23.07.2024 um 16:05
Funny, laat night I saw a 2018 Mirai for $3500 and I tough it' must be a scam but this kind of explains it
23.07.2024 um 17:44
$3.5k is actually a lot
Pete J
23.07.2024 um 18:09
If all of the Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai dealerships put in publicly available pumps they might be able to make it work in larger municipalities.
Jacqueline Lane
23.07.2024 um 20:42
I would like more information. I am an owner of a 2022
26.07.2024 um 02:21
24.07.2024 um 18:17
Me too is there any way to join
24.07.2024 um 17:04
I own 2022 mirai , live in Tracy CA,; i cant drive that car, gas station all the time are empty, dealers still selling those cars, no hydrogen station around, paying high monthly payment x this car, no value for trading. We need to get our money back. Toyota dealer took advantage our trust in Toyota cars. , hopefully we get or money back!!!
11.08.2024 um 18:26
I live in La and have the assme issue. No working Hydrogon stations. Jason Ingber is helping me sue Toyota Jasoningber.com/ToyotaMirai
24.07.2024 um 21:28
I love my Mirai, the vehicle it's self is great. However I agree with everyone else that the cons out way everything else. Driving 22 miles out to fill up! Living in Los Angeles and your spending 2-3 hours just for a trip to refuel.Stations are down constantly and the fuel it self is expensive. I get about 250 miles and that's gone In a matter of days. I had to purchase another vehicle to not drive my Mirai so often. I love every Toyota I've had but this one is a pain.
Albert Santoyo
25.07.2024 um 04:12
I got 2017 Mirai, on the blue book value of this vehicle is to low now, and the hydrogen is cost a lot of money. Now I barely drive my Mirai. Sad that I don’t have a free hydrogen now!
Maria Villagomez
06.08.2024 um 06:39
Yo tengo un mirai 2017 , perO casi no lo uso por lo caro del combustible , el carro es hermoso lo compre al diler por 7,500 con solo 27 mil Millas , ahora entiendo, pero ya es tarde no lo puedo devolver. Como me puedo unir a esa demanda?
Maria molina
08.08.2024 um 21:11
Yo tengo un Mirai 2023 muy bonito pero inservible. ahorita tengo un año con el vehículo pero ya gaste de la targeta que me dieron $9,000 supuestamente es para 5 años el hydrogeno en california está $36 el kilogramo solo agarra 285 a 300 tanque lleno me dura 3 días manejando 4 días para mi trabajo 40 milas por día la estaciones aveces están cerradas oh hay que esperar mucho tiempo no puedes hacer viajes largos por qué no te alcanza el tanque lleno más de 2 horas de viaje es inservible este carro
Lorena C
20.08.2024 um 00:43
How can I join? I have a Toyota Mirai XLE my worst mistake.
Jim Prince
16.09.2024 um 18:02
Love the car Hate fuel problem Ridiculous Because of this the cars value has plummeted I want them to recall the cars and provide compensation for their blatant mistruth How do I join the class action?
Eduard Calderon
06.10.2024 um 16:16
Te go un Mirai 2023 y me pasa lo mismo que a todos pago una cuota de $800 una póliza de seguro de 160 ya solo me queda 2000 en la tarjeta de reposstaje le debo al banco 39 mil y me dan máximo 8mil es absurdo el comportamiento del valor del vehículo que nadie quiere mi peor error info de la demanda por favor

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