Volvo opens access to Plug&Charge

Volvo is equipping its electric cars with Plug&Charge functionality, starting with the EX90. This is the result of a recently signed partnership with Hubject. However, it is unclear when other models will receive the function.

Image: Volvo

With the new &Charge function, not only is the charging process carried out automatically by simply plugging in the charging plug, but the charging costs are also billed automatically. In order for EX90 customers to use this function, they must register with the Volvo Public Charging Service. The charging service arose from a cooperation with Digital Charging Solutions (DCS).

“It is a clear commitment by Volvo Cars to make the EV charging experience convenient, easy and secure and to encourage more people to make the switch to electric,” says Christian Hahn, CEO of Hubject, commenting on the cooperation. Alexander Petrofski, Head of Volvo Cars Energy Solutions, added: “This partnership with Hubject makes a lot of sense for VolvoCars as it supports our ambition to be a leader in the fast-growing premium electric segment. By next year already, we want 50% of our sales to be pure electric and 100% by 2030. Deliver[ing] hassle-free premium experience by removing perceived obstacles to EV ownership is central to our strategy and this partnership with Plug&Charge is a step in the right direction.”

In order for the Volvo models, starting with the EX90, to make Plug&Charge technically possible, they will be equipped with a ‘V2G Root’ certificate from Hubject. This technology is intended to ensure ‘secure communication, using the ISO15118-2 standard,” which should ultimately also increase the reliability and safety of the charging process. According to Hubject, the ISO15118-2 protocol not only supports Plug&Charge, but should also ensure “interoperability and a smooth user experience across different charging networks.”

As mentioned, the EX90 will be the first model to receive the Plug&Charge functionality. But it will not stop there. The Swedish company is also planning to offer this function in other all-electric Volvo models. It is not clear from the press release when this will be the case.


about „Volvo opens access to Plug&Charge“
Mick White
17.07.2024 um 21:11
It’s such a shame you have just turned away your customers who would still like to purchase a diesel powered car.
michael shannon
18.07.2024 um 08:05
That makes so much sense I have about 10 apps and accounts with EV charger suppliers. I needs to be a universal simple method at a reasonable price
Jimi fitzwater.
22.07.2024 um 04:08
Glad to hear this Volvo is the best. Hurry and offer it to other models. I have the C40?

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