Shell to launch megawatt charging system for trucks and ships

Even though the standard for megawatt charging (MCS) has not yet been adopted, Shell is forging ahead and has now installed its first megawatt charging system at its Energy Transition Campus Amsterdam (ETCA). It is suitable for electric trucks and ships.

Image: Shell

The capacity of the megawatt charger corresponds to around three regular 350 kW fast chargers that trucks can currently use for charging. The Megawatt Charging System (MCS) is equipped with two separate charging arms: One rotating arm is intended for electric ships, the other for heavy electric lorries and buses. With this innovation, Shell wants to contribute to a universal standard so that customers do not have to use different cables or plugs.

Equipped with a second adapter (CCS2) on each charging arm, the Megawatt charger at the ETCA can accommodate a variety of vessels, vehicles and battery types and charge quickly and flexibly. Although the megawatt charger is a demonstration unit, it is operational and vehicles and vessels with megawatt charging capability can now use it by prior arrangement.

“We want to help decarbonise our customers in the logistics sector,” said Hilmar van den Dool, General Manager eMobility at Shell. “In addition to our investments in biofuels and LNG, we also invest in electric mobility. There are not that many electric trucks and vessels yet, so with this we’re investing ahead of the market that is growing quickly. It is in line with our ambition to provide more and cleaner energy solutions.”

Melissa Williams, President of Shell Marine, added: “We believe this solution will be helpful for shipping companies that control and operate logistics businesses across the supply chain, and often have facilities that serve both waterside and landside. The megawatt charger also offers the flexibility to charge a wide range of inland and port vessels such as barges, tugboats, service vessels and ferries. I’m excited at how the technology is now available, and deployed.”

The megawatt charger is connected to ETCA’s own smart grid. This intelligent grid enables the integration of energy supply, energy storage and energy demand. The ETCA grid includes 3,600 rooftop solar panels, stationary battery storage, 119 chargers for electric cars, a hydrogen electrolyser and other research equipment.,


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