First hydrogen Coast Guard ship hits the waters in the USA

The US Coast Guard has approved its very first hydrogen-fueled vessel to enter commercial service. It will now undergo a six month trial period.

Image: SWITCH Maritime

The hydrogen ferry ‘Sea Change’ from SWITCH Maritime uses hydrogen fuel cells to power its motors and can travel distances up to 300 nautical miles and speeds up to 15 knots. The fuel cell ferry will be operated in a six-month pilot service by the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) under a Certificate of Inspection (COI).

“This COI represents the culmination of years of close collaboration with the US Coast Guard and a significant milestone for the maritime industry, demonstrating the viability of carbon-neutral vessels. We are immensely grateful for the support from the US Coast Guard and all our partners along the path to completion,” said Pace Ralli, CEO of SWITCH. “This is not the finish line, but just a starting point from which to build many more.”

The Sea Change was brought about by a public-private sponsorship, which included participation from the WETA, as well as the California Air Resources Board (CARB), United Airlines, the Golden State Warriors basketball team, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District; and Blue & Gold Fleet. It was built in Bellingham, Washington State, and has space for up to 75 passengers and is fitted with a fuel cell drive from Zero Emission Industries.

1 Comment

about „First hydrogen Coast Guard ship hits the waters in the USA“
04.06.2024 um 17:57
Will it be the Hyndenburg Two?

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