Xiaomi raises delivery target for the SU7 – again

Xiaomi has increased the delivery target for its first electric car to 120,000 units in 2024. The Chinese carmaker previously aimed for 100,000 SU7 deliveries this year.

Image: Xiaomi

Xiaomi management confirmed the 20 per cent increase in a conference call with Asian media. The company will deliver “at least” 100,000 SU7s this year, but aims for a target of 120,000 units.

Xiaomi recently announced that it intends to produce the SU7 in two shifts at its factory in Beijing from June. At least 10,000 vehicles per month would thus roll off the production line. To reach its target of 120,000 cars, the company would need to ramp up production, as Xiaomi would have to build 10,000 vehicles every month throughout the year. But that is not the case.

The SU7 was only officially launched on 28 March, with prices starting at 27,600 euros. A few days later, the first units were delivered. Then, at the end of April, the SU7 was the main attraction at the motor show in Beijing. Visitors even had to queue outside the stand to see the SU7 up close. In addition to the electric drive, Xiaomi focuses primarily on connectivity and the content on its displays. Our first driving report from China shows what driving a smartphone on wheels is like.



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