Beijing considers setting up import taxes for cars from the US & EU

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels is warning of possible countermeasures by Beijing in response to punitive tariffs on Chinese electric cars. Import duties of up to 25 per cent are apparently being considered - but not on EVs, instead focusing on combustion engines from the EU and the USA.

Image: BYD

In a message on social media, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels claims that China is considering tariffs of 25 per cent on imported vehicles with large engines. This possible measure is said to have an “impact on European and US car manufacturers, especially in light of recent developments”, the chamber continued. This refers to the special tariffs on Chinese imports in “critical sectors” announced by the USA for August. The USA is imposing particularly high tariffs on electric cars from China: the tariff rate is to be 100 per cent from August. Batteries are also affected. Both to protect against “unfair trade practices”, according to the US government. The EU is also currently examining the introduction of punitive tariffs on electric cars from China as part of an anti-dumping investigation. A tariff of 30 per cent is being considered.

It was hardly to be expected that China would take these (threatening) measures lying down. In its social media post, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels now refers to an interview with Chinese automotive expert Liu Bin in the state-run Chinese newspaper Global Times, where he talks about adjusting the tariffs for imported vehicles with engines over 2.5 litres. It is also Liu who speaks in this interview of a tariff of up to 25 per cent. He also points out: “We also noticed that certain countries and regions have taken restrictive measures in the new-energy vehicle sector, which run counter to the green development concept and violate market economy principles and WTO rules.” He claims this would then accelerate the green transition, and is thus fundamentally different from the tariffs introduced in the US and EU.

The focus on combustion vehicles makes it clear that Beijing is considering hitting the Western automotive industry where it hurts. This is because Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and co. are currently earning their money by exporting combustion engines, which is then channelled back into the powertrain development, among other things. On Sunday, the Beijing Ministry of Trade also initiated an anti-dumping investigation into certain chemicals from the EU, the USA, Japan and Taiwan as a further countermeasure.,


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