Mercedes-Benz reveals Vision One-Eleven study

Mercedes-Benz presents the Vision One-Eleven, a new all-electric sports car study. The technical highlights include a new battery concept with high-performance liquid-cooled round cells based on a new cell chemistry, as well as two axial-flow electric motors.

As is often the case with concept presentations, no concrete technical data has been mentioned. The focus of Vision One-Eleven is rather on optical and connectivity visions. The model is intended to memorialise Mercedes’ legendary C 111 experimental vehicles from the 1960s and 1970s. The extremely dynamic mid-engine sports cars were “used to test revolutionary Wankel and turbo diesel engines at the time”, says the German carmaker explaining that these elements are “part of our DNA”.

The two axial-flow electric motors used in the electric study are a development of the English electric motor specialist Yasa, which Mercedes-Benz acquired in 2021. Mercedes-Benz is developing the technology with Yasa for its next-generation electric drives to production readiness on a large scale. The future generation of axial flow motors from Yasa will be produced at the Mercedes-Benz site in Berlin-Marienfelde and will form the core of the upcoming electric drive trains in the performance segment.

This type of motor “offers motorsport-like performance from a significantly smaller package”, Mercedes writes of the Vision One-Eleven. In combination with the liquid-cooled cylinder cell battery “with Formula One-inspired cell chemistry” (about which no further details are available, editor’s note), the Vision One-Eleven is “proof of the broad performance spectrum of our four-track development strategy for electric drive”, says the carmaker.

1 Comment

about „Mercedes-Benz reveals Vision One-Eleven study“
19.06.2023 um 15:34
So I see Mercedes is looking at following the move to cylindrical cells. Following Rimac, BMW, Lucid, Rivian, GM and or course Tesla. I wonder if the will be using the 4680 or the some variable height of 46xx? Mercedes has expanded their battery supply chain beyond LG, all of their battery vendors will be making 46xx cell within the next year.Hopefully they are working on something innovative and plan on moving battery production in-house, or bringing in a subcontractor to build batteries they develop.Of course a novel approach to battery thermal management can also be impactful. This can not only impact on road performance but shorten charging times. We need to get to the point where we don’t need such massive batteries. Smaller batteries that charge quickly combined with plentiful charging infrastructure is where we need to be heading.

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