Hack it to get it: Tesla Model 3 at CanSecWest


Those competing in the Pwn2Own contest at the CanSecWest conference in Vancouver, Canada usually have the task of hacking a device, generally a computer. If they can breach the devices security measures, they get it for free. This year a Tesla 3 is up for grabs.

Tesla and Trend Micro (the company that puts on the annual event) are cooperating to offer up a Model 3 to be “pwnd,” i.e. hacked. The EV will be the first vehicle in the competition’s new “automotive category.” If security researchers can find issues with the Model 3, they could drive home in it.

David Lau, Tesla’s vice president of vehicle software said that “…our work with the security research community is invaluable to us.” He asserted that “We look forward to learning about, and rewarding, great work in Pwn2Own so that we can continue to improve our products and our approach to designing inherently secure systems.”

With the incentives so high, Pwn2Own contestants will be fervently racing to hack the hell out of Tesla’s Model 3.



about „Hack it to get it: Tesla Model 3 at CanSecWest“

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